

Please find my publications indexed at:

global health

My recent collaborative & interdisciplinary global health research has addressed & explored:

  • air pollution, One Health, antimicrobial resistance, & environmental health

  • coloniality & (neo)colonialism in global health & development

  • specific disease/technical areas, including: HIV/AIDS, TB, MCH, child nutrition, and NCDs

  • women’s leadership in global health

  • monitoring & evaluation for gender & equity

  • climate change and global health polycrises

Selected conference presentations & abstracts include:

  • Jahan N, Akbar MA, Islam Md, Kaderi KF, Chapagain B, Fatema QK, Haque R, Sadiq NS, Perry KE. Experiences in Growth Monitoring and Promotion Integrated into Immunization Services in a City Corporation of Bangladesh. Current Developments in Nutrition; 6(Suppl 1): 839. June 2022. (link)

  • Trang DT, Perry KE, Nguyen QC, Vo NG, Robinson J, Sadate-Ngatchou P. “Integrating One Health with national policies to improve health security post-COVID-19 in Vietnam,” presented orally at the Global Health Security Conference, June 28-July 1, 2022.

  • Nguyen CQ, Nguyen AM, Robinson J, Perry KE, Sadate-Ngatchou P. A Comprehensive Training Program Improves Laboratory Staff Knowledge on Clinical Antimicrobial Resistance in Vietnam. African Society for Laboratory Medicine: Responding to Outbreaks Through Resilient Laboratory Systems: Lessons Learnt from the COVID-19 Pandemic, November 2021. (link, page 83)

climate & pollution

My recent climate & pollution research has addressed & explored:

  • “multi-polar trap” of air pollution, deforestation, & agriculture/food systems, including industrial food animal production

  • coloniality & colonialism in pollution & pollution research

  • political economy & ecology of air pollution & effects on health

  • political ecology of health

Selected conference presentations & abstracts include:

  • Perry KE, Lulitanonda W, Supasa T, Junlakarn S, Tuladhar B. “Climate modelling and futures scenarios: Civil society perceptions of and proposed solutions for air pollution’s effects on health and wellbeing in two Thai cities,” presented orally at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, April 26, 2023.

  • Perry KE. “Private agribusiness conglomerates and government: Inaction on air pollution as misinformation and a tactic to propagate power in Thailand,” presented orally at the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) pre-conference on Climate Mis/Disinformation in a Post-Factual Era, July 8, 2023.

Presenting at the EGU General Assembly

Please find my Climate Social Science Network (CSSN) scholar profile at:

public health

My recent collaborative & interdisciplinary public health research has addressed:

  • social & environmental determinants of health

  • healthcare quality improvement & health systems

  • repurposing drugs & medicines

  • HIV/AIDS-related stigma

  • social sciences of HIV cure-related research

Selected conference presentations & abstracts include (underline indicates presenter):

  • Perry KE, Nhim D, Vong S, Rang C, Wofford D, Suos P. “Healthcare provider quality improvement within industrial workplaces: Results from Cambodia’s first factory infirmary healthcare quality assessment study,” presented in poster format at the Seventh Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, October 31-November 4, 2022.

  • Shrestha ML, Chapagain B, Pandey P, Mandal RN, Perry KE, Pun B, Weissman A. A Quality Improvement Initiative to Enhance the Treatment of Children with Severe Acute Malnutrition in Nepal. Current Developments in Nutrition; 6(Suppl 1): 174. June 2022. (link)

  • Hasib E, Joarder T, Nugroho K, Perry KE, Crum J, Weissman A. Bridging the Knowledge Gap in Bangladesh for Effective Locally Driven Conditional Cash Transfer in Multisectoral Nutrition Programming. Current Developments in Nutrition; 5(Suppl 2): 130. June 2021. (link)

  • Perry KE, Taylor J, Concha-Garcia S, Javadi S, Patel H, Kaytes A, Little S, Smith D, Gianella S, Dubé K. Behind the Scenes: Clinical and Rapid Autopsy Staff Members’ Experiences and Perceptions of HIV Reservoir Research at the End of Life. Journal of Virus Eradication; 5(Suppl 3): S42. December 2019. (link)