creative work

spoken word @ house of sweden

I performed a spoken word piece at the House of Sweden (Swedish Embassy) in Washington, DC about the air pollution crisis in Thailand and a need for a multidisciplinary approach to combat environmental injustices
(May 31, 2023).

the H.E.A.L. blog

The Health Equity Advocacy Lanterns (H.E.A.L.) blog is an alcove for storytelling, empowerment, & learning more about those of us who wake up every day & say they strive for health equity, who work in global public health, who itch to make a dent in the world & improve others’ lives. This alcove, a home for exploration, vulnerability, & connection, hopes to provide some solace & community in this loud world.

a gift of stories

While in college, I harnessed the power of storytelling to present issues of diversity, equity, & inclusion in a raw, personal manner to prompt students to realize that such issues affect & should involve everyone (January 13, 2016).

photos - a storybook of life’s simple moments & natural beauty